
Digital glue is a special ceramic ink that allows the adhesion of glass grits on the surface of a ceramic tile, whether it is for cladding, flooring or a large slab. The Inco digital glueing ceramic ink guarantees important advantages:

  • According to a digital design, the grit-laying is synchronized with the rest of the tile and with both the material effects and the coloured graphics;
  • A perfect and precise laying of the grit — even with a full field— laying of extremely homogeneous and compact grit for full-field applications with final lapping;
  • A compactness and uniformity of the grit applied, even after firing the ceramic piece —which allows to have homogeneity and flatness of the surface— to achieve extremely defined surface effects with a high aesthetic level.

Inchiostro incollante ceramico


Inco’s digital glueing ink guarantees very long drying times, thus offering numerous advantages in the industrial application phase. In particular, it allows the adhesion of vitreous grits even on substrates with a high degree of absorption —of any type of manufacturing technology we refer to coating, flooring or large slabs —and also in following phases or dilated times.

Like all Inco’s ceramic inks, the digital glueing ceramic ink is designed to guarantee excellent industrial performance. Extremely lubricated —like all Inco ceramic inks — it keeps the print heads in excellent quality, even after a long time and use, without the need for checks or maintenance. Developed with new generation solvents, it has a very low odor component. Moreover, thanks also to an inorganic fraction within it, it considerably reduces emissions into the atmosphere as well as formaldehyde.


Our numbers

Inco Industria Colori, has been increasing it's own productive power & custumers, for over 30 years—Thanks to new manufacturing and and sales branches spread throughout the world

  • 3 Manufacturing Sites
  • 500 Costumers Worlwide
  • 35 Countries with assistance