Inco Industria Colori SpA, full production, sales and services. Coronavirus containment measures active

Below is the press release from Inco Industria Colori SpA regarding the spread of Coronavirus (Covid-19) which, as is known, is affecting the whole of Italy.

Inco Industria Colori SpA is closely following all the directives of the Authorities in order to adopt the appropriate containment measures.

We confirm that Inco Industria Colori SpA is currently operating without problems with the usual production, sales and supply of related services.

To ensure we can continue in these conditions, and therefore to minimize any negative impacts on our business, we are constantly monitoring the evolution of the situation and we have undertaken some preventive measures and actions aimed at safeguarding the people who work at INCO and their families.

We are continuing to work at full capacity to guarantee the material and services to our customers and collaborators, adapting to production and working needs.

We are at your disposal for any request or need and we will keep you updated on the evolution of the situation.
Inco Industria Colori SpA


Press Reelase INCO

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